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Best Practice No.1

1. Title of Practice:

Orientation to Professional courses

2. Goal /Aim:

One of the best practices that the institution has endeavoured is the invitation of various agencies offering professional courses directing to choose their career aims:

• To orient the students for future profession

• To help the students to have proper choice of their career.

• To develop the quality of professionalism.

• To acquaint the students with various professions available to suit their aptitude and potentialities

• To develop human qualities.

3. The Context:

Our institution being the premier institution offering arts and commerce courses is keen to develop overall personality, positive attitude, self confidence and the skills essential for living a successful life. In order to achieve the stated objectives, the institution is constantly in touch with various such agencies or institutions to organize seminars, workshops, campus interviews to orient themselves for living a successful life. Professional in different areas are invited at pre determined schedule to appraise the students about various career opportunities available to them, what are the specific courses they can opt for, what are the various institutions available to cater their needs.


4. The Practice:

  • Orientation to Professional courses has become an incorporating part in the teaching learning exercise at the college for which time has been specified in advance.
  • Through notice board and circulars students are informed to avail the facility of such activities.
  • Each programmes are well supported by LCD projector, audio system and other electronic devices.
  • Normally, sessions are divided according to class in order to cater the needs of each and every one.
  • Discussion interaction/worksheet and brain storming are the major mode of interaction.


Innovations and Best Practices

5. Evidence of success:

  • Building self confidence among the students.
  • Get access to the avenues available to them to choose as a career.
  • Get a platform to develop their skills.
  • Improves the quality of education.
  • Parents and guardians show appreciation and support for College initiative.

6.  Problems Encountered and Resources Required:

  • Since those workshops are to be conducted in the normal class hours it affects the normal class activities.
  • Lack of avenues available in the state to practice their skill.

Best Practice No.2

1. Title of Practice:


 Social service Campaign

2. Goal /Aim:

One of the best practices that the institution has endeavoured is the Social Service Campaign to inculcate the values of benevolence, humanity, magnanimity, sacrifice, altruism and empathy among the students to implement them in future life. Our student’s visits different orphanage in and around Dimapur, meets the children residing there, share their feeling and vibes and with extends even monetary

  • To inculcate among the students the value of social responsibility.
  • To enlighten them about the need of social service.
  • To instil among them the readiness to respond to the humanitarian cause.
  • To develop the quality of leadership among the students.
  • To develop the virtue of compassion, love, cooperation, charity and empathy.

3. The Context:

The activities of the Social Service Campaign are the epitome of all educational endeavours. The modern world of characterized by individualism and professionalism have left less space for the people to think about others especially those who needs care and support. Helping someone who is in need is truly a soul feeding experience that helps the students to instil the value of charity, love, compassion and most importantly the sense of belongingness to the society and nation. The nucleus of establishing our college is the charity to the community which finds its manifestations through different social service programme organized by the students round the year.  

4. The Practice:  Social Service


  • Social Service Campaign has become an incorporating part in the teaching learning exercise at the college for which time has been specified in advance.
  • Through notice board and circulars students are informed to avail the facility of such activities.
  • The Department of education being the path breaker in this endeavour has been percolated to all departments across the streams, Arts and Commerce as the time goes on.
  • Each programmes/ campaign are led by the assigned teacher in-charges. In fact it is mandatory for all the faculty members of the department who has organized the programme.
  • The areas of operation are selected in advance and planning for accomplishment made in advance in presence of the participating students.
  • Discussion interaction/worksheet and brain storming are the major mode of interaction for
  • Suggestions, ideas, views and opinions are invited from the participating students with positive note.
  • All their suggestions, ideas, views and opinions are integrated and a resolution and working strategies are prepared.
  • Financial requirements are met by the students itself except the situation when the institutional support is deems necessary.


5.  Evidence of success:

The success and failure of any programme depends upon the effective leadership, institutional support, students whole heated involvement and co-operation, support of the all the stalk holders and visionary policy and planning. The encouragement and support of the institution for social service in particular which was the nucleus of establishing our college has gone a long way in instilling healthy social habit. Visiting to the orphanage situated in within the Dimapur town every year after the end of both end and even semester examination, sharing time with the orphan children, understanding their feeling, provide stationary, books and stuff is the part of regular exercise.

                Providing food stuff and cloth to poor and destitute dwell in and around the railway station premises is also a part of regular exercise. The same spirit has been maintained by our alumni Marina Kiho, after being crowned Miss Nagaland stated doing charity work with the prize money she got. It is evident that such endeavour led to  

•             Building leadership qualities among the students.

•             Generates sense of belongingness to the society.

•             Get them acquainted with access living conditions of the people and their struggle for survival.

•             Helping in better utilization of time. Time wasted without any pre occupation utilized in gainful way by involving in social service.

•             Motivates the students to manage a system of people.

•             Feel satisfied and to involve in a task that earn blessings and best wishes in return.

•             Get a platform to develop their skills.

•             Improves the quality of education.

•             Parents and guardians show appreciation and support for College initiative.


6.  Problems Encountered and Resources Required: Although Social Service Campaign is a soul feeding experience but it needs a lot of resource and dedicated effort on the part of the group leader and the team as well as the support from the prominent personalities and the administration. Mobilization of human resource is a real challenge to accomplish such a missionary endeavour.