Secretary Speaks

Shri Kishore Kashliwal
Secretary, College Managing Committee
It feels my heart with immense pleasure to humbly present before you one of Nagaland's oldest girls-only Degree College of Arts & Commerce. In the face of technological revolution and exchange of knowledge at the highest possible level, an Institution of Higher Educational can not afford to stay aloof from the churn that is going on at the national and international level in order to be able to adapt to the changing needs of time. The concepts of leadership, mission, access, diversity and so much more are all being dramatically redefined in the face of societal and global transformation. Our think-tank often goes back to the drawing board and ponders over the fundamental question, "What insights and skills are essential for our students in the 21st century?" Just as our forerunners had the courage to explore new ways of preparing people to respond to society’s call, so must we have that courage, determination and the willpower to triumph. We say this to our prospective students; we stand by our enduring principles and we are committed to exploring new frontiers in our chosen field. If you want to be a part of this exciting effort to prepare a new generation of influential women personalities, S, D. Jain Girls’ College may just be the place you would like to be.
We are a melting pot of diverse linguistic and religious communities representing a fairly wide range of points of view. Not everyone here would speak like you, think like you, walk or talk like you or even learn and unlearn like you could. There would be times, in and out of the classroom, when you might come across others with whom you disagree and they do disagree with you too. However, We agree to disagree. as there can hardly be any growth without the space to disagree. We welcome it because we believe that it will make you think, make you intellectually more agile, and develop in you the skills to help navigate the borderlands of real life situations.
Henry Ford, the boss of the Ford Automobiles, USA, once said, "Nobody can think straight who does not work. Idleness warps the mind. Thinking without constructive action becomes a disease."
This is what we are. The students and the Faculty find it challenging and often without easy answers. But we all agree that this is where we wanted to be; and, this is what we need to be doing. These are the right questions, even when the search for ever better answers will always be there; it is exciting, for sure, to be a part of this journey - something so substantive and so practical.
Lets’ strive for a better tomorrow. Yes, together we can !!!