Internal Complaints Committee

If any memeber of the S.D. Jain Girls College at any point in time during their stay in the college premises feels that any other person is making unwelcome sexual advances or using sexual overtones in their behaviour or subjecting the potential victim to any kind of sexual harrassment, he/she may lodge a complaint with the college authoties by calling 03862-232754, 230230, 9862042555, 9485200990. Or, she may raise a concern with any member of the the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC).
1, Convenor, Lilly Ngullie, Dept of English
2, Co-Convenor, Leena Lotha, Dept of History
3, Member, Alotoli K Awomi, Dept of Pol-Sc
4, Member, Kayini Kayina, Dept of English
5, Member, S Imsuinla Imchen, Dept of Economics