Department of Commerce

Dr. Sant Kumar Gupta
Head of Dept of Commerce (Jun 2023)

Smti Reeme Mazumder Choudhury
Asst Professor

Miss Bristi Gogoi
Asst Professor

Miss Shikatoli L
Asst Professor
Department of Economics

Dr Dinesh Sarmah
Asst Professor
Head of Dept (Jun 2023)

Shri Raju Deb
Asst Professor

Smti Imsuinla S Imchen
Asst Professor
Department of Education

Shri Nihar Ranjan Deka
Vice Principal

Smti Bendangmongla
Asst Professor
Head of Dept (Jun 2023)

Smti Ovungbeni Jungio
Asst Professor

Smti Meribeni Z Patton
Asst Professor

Smti Putisongla
Asst Professor
Department of English

Dr Dalia Bhattacharjee
Asst Professor

Ms. Lilly Ngullie
Asst Professor

Ms Kayini Kayina
Asst Professor
Head of Department (Jun 2023)

Ms Veralu Vero
Asst Professor
Department of History

Miss Easter Kikon
Asst Professor

Smti Leena Lotha
Asst Professor
Head of Dept (Jun 2023)

Shri Yantsomo Kithan
Asst Professor

Smti Rechel O Lotha
Asst Professor
Department of Political Science

Shri Moia Rongpi
Asst Professor

Shri/Miss Mhono Tsanglao
Asst Professor

Smti Alotoli K Awomi
Asst Professor

Miss Senjano Patton
Asst Professor Head of Dept (Feb 2024)
Other Departments

Miss Abeni Kikon
Asst Professor, Dept of Sociology

Smti Saraswati Jain
Asst Professor, Dept of Hindi

Smti Rohida Khatoon
Asst Professor, Environment Education
Non-Teaching Staff

Shri Binay Shankar Singh
Accounatant cum Office Supevisor

Shri Sushanta Gouda
Cashier cum Accounts Assistant

Smti Aparna Dhar
Senior Clerk, Grade-B

Miss P Ngachan Ramtawon
Clerk Grade-B, CTO, NCC Senior Girls Wing

Smti Arunavati Devi
Clerk, Grade-B

Miss Ariale
Clerk, Grade-B
Library Staff

Shri Diganta Hazong

Smti Rupashree Roy
Library Assistant, Grade-B

Miss Heilungneule
Library Assistant,Grade-B
Multi-tasking Staff

Shri Bhagawat Gauda (Ramesh)
Multi-Tasking Staff

Shri Shambu Gautam
Multi-Tasking Staff cum Office Assistant

Smti Parmila Devi
Multi-Tasking Staff

Shri Lakdorje Lama
Watchman cum Multi-Tasking Staff

Smti Bimala Gautam
Multi-Tasking Staff

Pratima Thapa
Multi-Tasking Staff
Shri ...