IQAC: Internal Quality Assurance Cell

NB: Link to the Notification, Agenda, Resolutions and ATR can be found towards the buttom end of this page.
The IQAC consisting of the Principal, the Vice Principal and other senior members, preferably HODs, takes important academic decisions and recommends measures for further improvement in the delivery educational services. It meets from time to time to supervise and review the actual conduct of academic activities in the best interest one and all. The Intenal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of SDJGC was re-constituted on Saturday, the 22 June 2024. The IQAC constutued earlier was, thereby, superseded by a resolution passed in a general body meeting consisting of the Managing Committee, Faculty and Staff.
(22 June 2024) |
A. Chairperson and Convener: |
Shri Kirtichandra Rout, Principal (In-Charge) |
B. Coordinator and Co-Convener: |
Dr. Dinesh Sarmah, Asst Prof of Economics |
C. Teachers to represent all levels: |
1. Smti. S Imsuienla Imchen (Dept of Economics) |
2. Smti. Lilly Ngulie (Dept of English) |
3. Dr. Sant Kumar Gupta (Dept of Commerce) |
4. Smti Bendangmongla (Dept of Education) |
5. Shri Yantsomo Kithan (Dept of History) |
6. Miss SenjanoPatton (Dept of Political Science) |
7. Shri Raju Deb (Faculty Member) |
8. Dr. Dalia Bhattacharjee (Faculty Member) |
D. Member from the Management: |
9. Shri. Kishore K Kashliwal (Secretary, College Managing Committee) |
E. Senior Administrative Officers: |
10. Shri. Nihar Ranjan Deka (Vice Principal) |
11. Shri Binay Shankar Singh (Accountant) |
F. Nominees: |
12. Miss Ankita Gupta (Alumni) |
13. Incumbent President of Students Welfare Council (Students) |
14. Shri Bhagchand Sethi (Local Community) |
15. Shri Anil Jain Tongya (Employer) |
16. Shri Sanjay Sethi (Industrialist) |
17. Shri Binod Sethi (Stakeholder) |
Minutes of the first Meeting of the IQAC on 8-Sept 2018 and ATR
30th August 2018
The meeting of all the teaching staff of S.D. Jain Girls’ College, Dimapur was convened on 8th September 2018, Saturday at 10:00 a.m. in the faculty room to constitute the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as per UGC/ NAAC guidelines.
1. To constitute the internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) as per UGC and NAAC guidelines.
2. To discuss the role, functioning and frequency of meetings of the IQAC.
3. To decide the responsibilities of the members of the IQAC.
4. To discuss core values of NAAC in relation to vision, mission and quality policy.
5. Any other matter with the permission of the cell.
A meeting of teaching staff was held on Saturday, 8th September, 2018 at 10.00 am in faculty room to constitute the internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) as per UGC and NAAC guidelines.
Following members were present for the meeting:
At the outset, Principal welcomed all the members and the laid the agenda of the meeting which was taken up for discussion and resolutions adopted accordingly.
1. To constitute the internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) as per NAAC and UGC guidelines
After discussions and valuable inputs from managing committee of s.d.jain girls’ college and faculty of s.d.jain girls’ college, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was constituted to comply with NAAC guidelines for ensuring consistent, timely, quality performance for Higher Education System and was resolved as follows:
“Resolved that the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) with following members be constituted.
Composition of IQAC for Assessment Year 2021-2
The resolution was passed unanimously.
2. To discuss the role, functioning and frequency of meetings of the IQAC
Principal outlined the role, strategies and monitoring task of IQAC at length as per NAAC guidelines. It was decided that IQAC will meet once in each quarter of academic year.
The role of IQAC shall be:
To propose various quality initiatives for enhancing academic and administrative excellence.
To participate quality assessment by various bodies like NAAC, Directorate of Higher & Technical Education, etc.
To improve feedback system from students with respect to quality related institutional processes.
to prepare and review the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC and University in post accreditation period.
“ Resolved that the strategies, responsibilities and functioning of IQAC be in accordance with the NAAC guidelines and the cell shall meet once in every quarter.”
3. To decide the responsibilities of the members of the IQAC
The responsibilities of all members were elaborated in the meeting. The role of stakeholders in enhancing quality of teaching-learning process, research & extensions activities was discussed. It was also discussed further strengthen relations with alumni is desirable.
"Resolved that the responsibilities of each member be accepted."
The resolution was passed unanimously.
4. To discuss core values of NAAC in relation to vision, mission and quality policy
To ensure external and intemal validity and credibility of SKNCOP, it is important to initiate the quality assurance process within a value framework, which is suitable and appropriate to the National context. The accreditation framework of NAAC is based on five core values detailed below
a. Contributing to National Development
b. Fostering Global Competencies among Students
c Inculcating a Value System among Students
d. Promoting the Use of Technology
e. Quest for Excellence
After having discussed the various aspects of the core values, it was resolved as follows:
“Resolved that the core values specified in NAAC manual are in conformity with the set of goals and mission of the college, the same core values be accepted and approved.”
The resolution was passed unanimously.
5. Any other matter with the permission of the cell.
The meeting was concluded as there was no other matter to be discussed.
Place: S.D.Jain Girls’ College, Dimapur Dated: 8th September 2018
Meet1 Notification and Minutes
Meet1 Resolution and Action Taken Report
Meet2 Notification, Agenda and Resolutions
Meet3 Notification, Agenda and Resolutions
IQAC Meeting 06 Feb 2021
Reconstitution of IQAC 2021-22
Meeting Minutes and ATR 2019-2023 (1st Cycle)